Hello 2021 (Can I come in?)

Hello 2021 (Can I come in?)

I finally finished my New Year Resolution list of some sort, because I don't call it resolutions; I used to call it my Invented List of Possibilities, and for 2021, I changed the name to My Self-Care Playlist because I can.
But seriously I really struggled writing my plan for 2021, and changing the words got me inspired to write about things that is focused on self-care because that is what is sorely needed as we move towards another COVID-filled year.

Cultivate Your Superpower of Consistency

Cultivate Your Superpower of Consistency

A Love Letter to Myself - to stay the course, remain consistent to what I want to make happen.

Because if I'm 100% committed to what I want to make happen, the next step is to be consistent. Consistency is really tapas in action; staying in the fire. Over time, it will give us access to breaking out of default patterns and our negative thoughts. And on the way, create a kinder and healthier seed in our mind. While it is not easy, I know I can find ease in the effort. And what helps is to know my WHY.

100% Is A Breeze, 99% is a Struggle

100% Is A Breeze, 99% is a Struggle

I was doing an online yoga class the other day, and the teacher said this - that “100% commitment creates freedom and 99% causes struggle” - and I suddenly had a revelation.

It’s true, when I struggle, my heart is not 100% in it! I still do it, but I suffer, with the negative thoughts in my head.

If you’ve committed to something - are you 100% committed?

Healing Through Journaling

Healing Through Journaling

Journaling As An Access to Healing

I share here one simple journal prompt that will transform your journaling practice.. It definitely that has started many inspirational blog posts, produced tears, clarity and got me more connected to my heart.

It’s perfect for days when I don‘t have anything to write and also when I’m too stubborn to acknowledge my feelings. Writing this everyday is helping me to recognise and acknowledge what I'm feeling so I can start healing.

When You’re Struggling, You’re Trying Too Hard

When You’re Struggling, You’re Trying Too Hard

I cannot lie; I'm struggling with doing the things that needed to be done. And I'm choosing to be okay with my struggles because it may sound dire; but I'm not going to die from them.

That's the irony.

It's a moment to moment, struggle and not struggle, some days it's a breeze. Some days it's hard.

On the hard days, I'll give up trying hard because she I try too hard, it invites strain and struggle.

I will choose to try easy and just be.

Making Space For Something New

Making Space For Something New

I’m celebrating what has been working, and letting go of what is not working so I can create space for possibilities.

There are going to be some changes on my online space - you won’t even notice them but I’m letting go of amipoweryoga.com and integrating my yoga classes into sophiexsanders.com (In case you’re wondering why the email address is different - this is why.)

Let's Try A Little Kindness

Let's Try A Little Kindness

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. Dalai Lama

I choose to write this post today because it has been resting in my heart and is what I need.

The world feels hard right now.
So many feelings of anger, grief, confusion, sadness…. 
Even more opinions and judgements - I’m right you’re wrong….

I can’t pretend to understand what’s going on in the world right now….

I know how it makes my heart feel though ….. sad

Kindness is what the world needs. A little reminder  - not to be kind, because we are already inherently kind, but to choose to be kinder more than necessary. 

Kindness is not a solution to what’s happening out there in the world, but it’s one way to heal our heart space so we can be stronger to face what’s out there.


Why Do You Wake Up In The Morning

Why Do You Wake Up In The Morning

Heavy self-reflection first thing in the morning, but it needs to be done… This was a question that popped into my head a few weeks ago - why do I wake up in the morning?

Haven’t you ever asked that yourself? It’s more of a “ I don’t want to get up because...

The day is going to be stressful, or you are just bored out of your mind or you don't want to face people today....

Other than having to go to work or be in support of someone, why do I wake up in the morning?