
Make friends with your inner child (and stop being so hard on yourself)

Make friends with your inner child (and stop being so hard on yourself)

This morning, my brain was feeling little overwhelmed because this past few weeks, I have been juggling thoughts of unworthiness and imposter syndrome, a head cold and my menses.

So I asked my inner self what it needs today - and the word that comes up is journal. So I journaled and decided to share my journal entry on the blog.

If you want to an insight to my brain➕ learn one of the steps to my ‘reframing my mindset” process, click on my loves.

When life throws you lemons, be kinder to yourself

When life throws you lemons, be kinder to yourself

It’s World Kindness Day on Nov 13th! Time for us to look inwards. When we look inwards, we are nourishing our hearts and minds, and that will spark the essence of kindness and self-compassion that is imnate within each one of us. We just need a little reminder.

Let's Try A Little Kindness

Let's Try A Little Kindness

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. Dalai Lama

I choose to write this post today because it has been resting in my heart and is what I need.

The world feels hard right now.
So many feelings of anger, grief, confusion, sadness…. 
Even more opinions and judgements - I’m right you’re wrong….

I can’t pretend to understand what’s going on in the world right now….

I know how it makes my heart feel though ….. sad

Kindness is what the world needs. A little reminder  - not to be kind, because we are already inherently kind, but to choose to be kinder more than necessary. 

Kindness is not a solution to what’s happening out there in the world, but it’s one way to heal our heart space so we can be stronger to face what’s out there.


Actually, We Are Not In The Same Boat

Actually, We Are Not In The Same Boat

“I heard that we are in the same boat. But it's not like that. We are in the same storm, but not in the same boat.”

That is a cold hard truth. We all have own stories and struggles and in this difficult time, it’s important that we find it in our hearts to be kinder and compassionate towards to one another.