What I want to make happen is a daily journaling practice. To write something even if I don’t feel like writing, and especially when I have nothing to say.
A while back, I purchased a "5 Minutes Daily Gratitude" journal, but really I didn’t need to spend that money to find gratitude. I could have easily written these 4 words - in my glittery pink journal:
“Today I’m grateful for……”
That lasted one week. Every single time. It's not so bad right? Yup, I kept trying again and again because I know it’s important.
And yet I ask myself how many times can I write "I’m grateful for my husband and a roof over my head”, until I run out of things to write?
There’s a Harvard Medical research that says giving thanks make you happier.
I don’t disagree, however there are other ways to show gratitude and it’s not my way if what I want is a consistent journaling practice.
It doesn’t have to look a certain way
I do struggle with finding time to journal.
There’s always something else “more important” to do like reading my novel or I’m rushing to get somewhere.
In the mornings, I used to walk 20 mins to a Starbucks, get an oat hojicha latte, take a comfortable seat and start writing. COVID stuffed all that.
BUT THE TRUTH IS journaling, like everything else, doesn’t have to look a certain way, it doesn’t have to be done at a certain time, and it doesn’t have to perfect.
It just needs to be done.
We spend so much time in our heads, thinking, analysing, worrying…..
In yoga and meditation, we are asked to notice the thoughts, and then let them go to get access to the present moment.
Now, writing is a way to allow those thoughts to flow on paper. It makes sense, no? To journal so we can get our thoughts out of our head, which are just cluttering our mind space.
If you ever attend any of the Baptiste Programs, we do a lot of sharing and journaling. But writing in your journal is the first step. It is a safe step.
The paper won’t judge you. No one will read it and if you don’t have to share if you don’t want and you can.
So it’s a perfect space to start processing your feelings and thoughts, especially if you’re not used to expressing them, or you’re not sure how to feel.
When I can name my feeling, it is a cathartic moment. I remember feeling numb over news of my sister’s pregnancy. I wasn’t sure how to feel. I was really happy for her and excited, but at the same time, I’m not. But I should. And I am. I felt stuck in between 2 worlds. Like I’m watching everything happening, and I’m there but not there.
A few days later, I couldn’t sleep, and I was so resistant to take out my journal. I had all these thoughts swirling in my head. And one thought kept popping up. And it became real, when I took out my phone and wrote down one line “Right now, I feel….sad”
I start crying and then after I felt so much better, lighter, freer and clear. And I slept like a baby.
All I had to was write down and acknowledge my feelings. It really does release the intensity of the feeling, so I don’t have to hide from it.
We don’t have to hide.
So that’s how I start my journal entry these days.
It’s perfect for days when I don‘t have anything to write and also when I’m too stubborn to acknowledge my feelings.
It definitely that has started many inspirational blog posts, produced tears, clarity and got me more connected to my heart.
And there are days of nothingness - and that’s Okay.
“In order to heal, you must feel”
Can I invite you to heal with me?
To start writing with no attachment to the outcome?
To start writing because it’s necessary for right now?
Journaling will help to process how you feel, and to grow and thrive.
It’s a story of your life.. and it’s different everyday , moment to moment..
If you don’t know how to start, start simply by completing this statement:
Right now, I feel …..
If you want to write more, you can. If not, that’s enough. There’s absolutely nothing to figure out.
Write Everyday.
Give yourself permission to Feel what you feel.
Everyday, start fresh with new eyes and a new looking and see what happens.
Writing this statement everyday is helping me to recognise and acknowledge what I'm feeling so I can start healing.
And I want that for you too.