Hello 2023 (I'm so ready for you)
Hello 2022 (Are you really here?)
One important thing I learnt last year is that having gratitude for what I have in my life - allowed me to let go of negative thoughts so I can create space for new thoughts that will serve me better.
Here are my 2021 lists that I’m ready to leave behind so I can embrace the possibilities and abundance of 2022.
Be Extra Loving Everyday
Make The Higher Call
Mmm… so I wrote this back in Sept 2020, and I was inspired by a sutra study session about Isvara Pranidhana, which is said to be a practice of Surrender. Grateful to Paige Elenson for leading that dharma talk then and to Seth Barron for revisiting it this year. Otherwise this poem would not have seen the light of day. I read it in class this week for the first time, and well, I felt something. It pushed to make the higher call, to share this with you.
I Can Be Gentle With Myself
A gentle love note to yourself when you are feeling overwhelmed with the todos, the whatnots, the shoildhaves and the oughttos… say it out loud, write out in your journal - or simply just repeat to yourself, in your heart;
I can be gentle with myself
I can be gentle with myself
I can be gentle with myself