Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash
If you don’t know who Baron Baptiste is, it doesn’t matter. Just know that he is a normal human being like the rest of us, but he is my teacher, and speaks from a methodology , a language that works for me. He won’t work for everyone, like I can’t listen to Tony Robbins for a long time - he’s good, but he doesn’t resonate with me. Baron and the Baptiste Methodology has created a big impact in my life and in my relationships, on and especially off the mat.
So if you have time, be in listening of his message right HERE.
In this post, yes, I’m going to write down my takeaways from the video because I’m more of a reader rather than a listener - I don’t know what you call that. I absorb more information when I write things down. So I needed to do this for me and also for you.
You could just read what I write, and I invite you be in listening because my listening is different from yours, and you might get something totally different. Instead of scrolling through IG or FB or tiktok videos, get your headphones out and listen.
The title is Navigating Uncertainty. It’s 30 mins long, and you’ll also have access to a free 60 mins online yoga class with Baron, a 30 mins Face Fear meditation and a free 30 Days access to online platform.
The message is divided into 7 questions - and you can click on the sections you want to listen to:
What’s your take on the situation?
Have you ever experienced anything like this? How are you dealing with Uncertainty
Do you have any practical advice for anyone who’s worried about what’s to come in the coming months?
In the Upcoming Weeks, do you have any advice for those who will need to make any tough decisions?
You mentioned 40 Days to Personal revolution. Can you elaborate a little on what that is?
What are some ways that the Baptiste community can support each other?
Do you have any final words for the Baptiste community including affiliates, teachers and practitioners?
The good news is that the first part of video summarises the long message. (for those overly busy people)
He talks about
Quarantine your negativity
Find ways to support others
Reframe the situation, there’s always possibilities
Practice as if your life and well-being is at stake , because it is
Do things that is going to expand us instead of contraction, isolation, sit around and be unconscious and numb out eat, drink and watch netflix
Sit and meditate and let thoughts to come and let deeper wisdom come out
Create your own mantra
““Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain. Much of your pain is self-chosen. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.”
When he talks about “quarantine the negativity”, he also talks about pain and quotes Khalil Gibran on "Pain is the breaking of the shell around you", and an old all-time favourite Buddhist saying that goes "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional"
Pain, grief and loss is real …. and what stories are we adding to the pain/loss? Do we need to add our own negative narratives? He says this is where we can lessen suffering. So we don’t get caught up in our own drama in order to provide what’s needed to serve to be for others, to be for ourselves.
He asked that we practice as if your life and well-being is at stake, because it is. He says “The world needs you.. It needs a positive message right now. So plug into into your well, your own source, so you can drink daily, take care of yourself. And practice practice practice.”
“Don’t make decisions out of reaction.”
“Step out of your Comfort Zone”
He makes a reference to his 40 Days to Personal Revolution (which in Singapore, we just completed recently) - Laws of Transformation 3 says “Step out of your Comfort zone” and that the irony is we control our comfort zone, how much risks we rake, how much should stick our neck for…. (I’m laughing and shaking my head as I’m writing this down, as it’s so true!)
And right now, the COVID situation has blown up our comfort zone so there’s no more comfort zone. So there’s no need to conceptualise "I should step out of my comfort zone”, and know that “I know I need to.."
If you step out of this uncertain comfort zone, what becomes available is new set of opportunities. And to step and into the unknown….. requires a NEW YOU, a Reinvention and an Updating of Self!
And sometimes we need to retreat, move forward, which is what is happening right now.
Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash
““It’s not a matter of if you should do this. Listen to that voice that says “why don’t you……..””
My biggest takeaway is from him talking about doing things that expand us because I’ve not been expanding myself; I’ve been procrastinating on doing things that expand myself. I know what I need to do, but I’m not doing it. He’s put a fire in my ass to get moving….
He says - "Those 18 hours in your day - what an opportunity to recreate yourself reinvent powerfully and make the methodology really work."
I’ve been doing the work - it’s time to get out there. It’s time to show up and be brave. Come on Sophie!”
Right now, my new mantra is "It's not a matter of if you should do this. Listen to that voice that says “why don’t you……..”