“Stand in what’s changeless amidst the change”
A week ago, the Baptiste Institute broadcasted a message from Baron Baptiste, (which is still available on their website or you can hop on to my last blog post for my notes).
He hosted an IG Live Q&A session a few days after, on Mar 29, to answer questions from the Baptiste community.
I think this is such an awesome initiative. I was waiting for something like this for a long time, for him to go live, because for the past 2 years, I’ve not been able to attend a Baptiste program whilst going through IVF. And it’s so reassuring to hear his voice and to see him, even though it’s virtual.
And he’s co-teaching live with his son Malachi, (and Dan Nevins) this Saturday at 11am EST, which is our 11pm SGT. Click HERE to register. it’s a charity event to raise funds for the Baptiste Foundation, whose current initiative is to provide access to the life-altering practices and techniques of Baptiste yoga to those on the front line of this pandemic, our first responders and medical personnel.
As before, I’ve written notes from this session or minutes as you would call it in the business world, initially for my own benefit, and well, I thought why not share it out, especially for those who missed the IG live episode. (You’re welcome!)
The only thing that I forgot to note down were the questions because the recording was gone by the time I remembered. (IG Live only stays live for 24 hours).
In any case, the questions doesn’t matter as the Baptiste methodology is very universal and is applicable for any situation, environment or person. So as non-Baptiste Yogi, you’d still gain a lot from his sharing.
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash
He starts with reminding us that the current covid-19 situation is an opportunity to teach (and be) in a new way; an opportunity to update and reinvent yourself newly.
I think this was a question on how to get rid of fear, the not good enough etc.
He lists down 3 things:
Shut up the voices in your head, get on the mat, get quiet and be in the doing as that helps to shut up the noise
Let it be. Convert the not good enough into fuel
Use a “mirror” . Consider that we are actually competing with ourselves.
His son, Malachi added in his thoughts - Give up being in your head, and be out here.
Every moment there is a potentia to be who you need to be for that person, for others.
Life is so random. Even without the Covid, we don’t know what’s going to happen in the future.
Next question was on how to be a powerful leader
Be in the now. The answer to how is to be a yes. What are you a yes for? Get clear on what you are a yes for.
Lead with yourself.
Set example right now.
People need to see you
practising, that you’re health giving, empoweromh, life giving
do practices to get access to being of courage
be someone who’s accepting
Show kindness when people are not being kind
Be the change you want to see
Be in the looking and listening from your own true north
Interact with the disempowering thoughts as THAT is the way to let it be and be a stand for your own true north.
Be a profound listener and allow them to vent,
Encourage people to create more opportunities to outflow because there is so much inflow of news, social media, narrativea
Check in for real news but be more disciplined about what you’re letting in.
Journal & Share
Invite your family members to practice
He says to
Asana, move
Have Conversations that will elevate you - kind honest, real
Creative projects eg write a book, watch documentaries, history channel
Set intention in the beginning of the day (by Malachi)
Write down 3 things you want to accomplish each day?
Clear out personal closet (suggestion by a Baptiste student, towards end of call)
Allow yourself the space for your own humanity
In that space, acknowledge your feelings
Distinguish what is borne out of (default) reaction and what is actually happening in the world
Yes, how can I be with the unknown?
Give up what you know because our knowingness is being disrupted.
Truth is we are going to get through this and we are going to be okay
Emotions does not serve the bigger us = negative possibility.
(we need to acknowledge, feel what we feel and get present to what’s really happening out here instead of in there)
Most people move from fear.
Consider there is a way to be with fear, to interact with fear without allowing it to disempower us.
If it doesn’t scare you, it’s not very good.
When you don’t know how to accomplish it; when it’s bigger than what your identity will allow for it >>>>>> That’s when you should do it! That’s when AMAZING things can happen!
Start from the ground up, activate hands feet, legs core, look listen
To be human is to be Kind
Explore inherent kindness we have with humanity
Power is in the present moment
Give space for humanity
Keep looking for possibilitiuies
Crete yourself a steady - a mantra, a compass however you want to call it especially for moments that you forget
Do the 40 Days - as an access to a structure to how you want to be on the other side of this (covid-situation)
That’s it!!
Yes, it’s pretty long because it’s an hour session. If you happen to have your own notes, and if I’ve missed something out, please feel free to add your comments below!!
Photo by kaleb tapp on Unsplash