Photo by ROBIN WORRALL on Unsplash
This is not a fertility-related blog post, and you can skip this if you like, but if you are into star signs and exploring your own self-care, read on.
I got reminded of my childhood obsession of star signs when I made a new friend recently It was my last day in Bali, and I was in the “Girls in Bali” Facebook group, and I got to DM-ing who’s just arrived, and I thought to invite her to join me for the day.
Those who know me, know that I'm a really bad or rather good "introvert and I'm scared of meeting new people. which is counterintuitive to me teaching yoga and wanting to support the IVF community - but I realised that if I'm doing something because of service, of the highest good and kindness, then the fear goes away.
So I really wanted to help this young girl get her feet under her, because I could empathise with what it feels like to be scared of travelling by myself. I didn’t expect her to say yes, but she did, and we met up at Cafe Del Mar.
To make this story short, we had the most astounding-aligned chats ever. We had so much in common, considering there was 20 years difference between us, and a height difference of 1.5 feet. (She's Norwegian and super tall!)
And I wanted to test an ideology I had, so I asked what’s her star sign, and she said Capricorn - earth sign! Me too!
No wonder.
I am a Taurus, and I'm not sure how it works, but Earth signs are my jam. I get on well with Sagis (my bestie) and Pisces (my hubby) . Aries (My mum) can rub me the wrong way. There was a time in my younger years, where I dated only Scorpios. And I always read the Astrology section of Teenage magazine and newspaper, to see what's up for my sign.
Like I mentioned, meeting her reminded of my childhood-teenage days - and so it's a sign (no pun intended) that I found this Well + Good article about How You Can Take Better Care of Your Mental Health, Based on Your Zodiac Sign”
What it said about my Sign is so true of the way I do things. It affirms that I’m on the right spiritual path, using my inner guidance when it comes to how I do things. And honing on MY WHY drives me and motivates my actions.
You have a reputation for being stubborn, Taurus—but your steadfastness can certainly have an upside when wielded carefully. If you're committed to a practice, be it for your mental health or otherwise, you're likely to see it through, so long as you have a clear understanding of why you're doing it.
Then of course I started reading up on my star sign to familiarise again with my "characteristics". And I have to say it's bang on!
I know that Astrology is a woo woo thing for most, but i think its a fun way to get to know ourselves in a different way and especially when we need motivation to get going on taking care of parts of ourselves, that needs to be taken care of.
I also want to share a disclaimer from the article - "it's important to note that astrology can’t provide all the answers when it comes to how to nurture and support our mental health. Particularly in the case of mental illness, it's always best to consult a mental-health practitioner—as astrology is not a replacement for a professional diagnosis or therapy.”
I'm curious to know your star sign, and if what it says resonates with you, or not. Write in the comments below.