Your Guide to Common IVF Abbreviations

When I created @bravinginfertility on IG and followed many amazing IVF warriors, it seems they have a secret language, and I want to learn them too!

I started making a list and while there are a whole lot more of these abbreviations/acronyms, these relate to me.

[And I’ll probably add more as we go along.}

Enjoy x

2WW: Two week wait (before testing, not always 2 weeks)

AF: Auntie Flo (Menses)

AFC: Antral Follicle Count

AMA: Advanced maternal age

AMH:  Anti-mullerian hormone

ART: Assisted Reproductive Technology

AH: Assisted Hatching

BBT: Basal Body Temperature

Beta: HCG pregnancy test 

BFN: Big Fat Negative (pregnancy test)

BFP: Big Fat Positive (pregnancy test)

B/W: Blood work

CD: Cycle Day

DE: Donor Eggs

DEIVF: Donor Eggs In-vitro fertilization

DHEA: Dihdroepiandrosterone

DOR: Diminishing Ovarian Reserve

DPO: Days Post Ovulation

DPR: Days Post-Retrieval

DPT: Days Post-Transfer

DP3DT: Days Post 3 Day Transfer

EDD: Estimated Due Date

ENDO: Endometriosis 

ER / OR: Egg/Occyte Retrieval

ET: Egg Transfer

FET: Frozen Egg Transfer

FP: Follicular Phase

Frostie: Frozen Embryo

FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone

GnRH: Gonadotropin-releasing hormone

HcG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Hormone detected by pregnancy tests)

HSG: Hysterosalpingogram

ICSI: Intra- Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection

IF: Infertility

IUI: Intra-uterine insemination

IVF: In-vitro fertilization 

LAP: Laparoscopy

LH: Luteinizing Hormone

LP: Luteal Phase

LSP: Low Sperm Count

M/C: Miscarriage

MTFHR: Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase

MF: Male Factor

O / OV: Ovulation 

OHSS: Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

P1 / Prog: Progesterone

PASP: Pregnant and Staying Pregnant

PCOS: Polycistic Ovarian Syndrome

PGD: Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 

PGS: Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening

PID: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

PIO: Prog in Oil

PMS: Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

PUPO: Pregnant until Proven Otherwise

SA: Semen Analysis

SubQ: Subcutaneous Injection

STIMS: Stimulation

T4: Thyroxine

TTC: Trying to conceive

U/S: Ultrasound