Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash
“The great spiritual triumph is our willingness to mentally renew, change and grow continually throughout the many seasons of our lives.”
Triumph is the theme of week six in 40 Days to Personal Revolution.
When you go through the 40 days program, you're building a platform for your personal development of tools that will enable you to live an empowered life.
Baron says one part of triumph is like coming back to naturalness. To be more playful and letting go of things that stop us from standing in our power.
Triumph is sharing rather than clinging to success, dissolving the the rocks in our minds one by one, discovering the potent value of stillness and seeking the truth in all things.
Triumph happens in the small things. The many small victories and growth accumumulate into great ones.
“Triumph is not only present in your large accomplishments, but in the small ones as well. ”
Week 6 Triumph relates to:
Law of Transformation 11: Be still & know & Law 12: Understand the whole is the goal
“Silence is a great help to a seeker of truth, like myself. In the attitude of silence, the soul finds the path in clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself in crystal clearness.”
Law 11: Be still & know
(Stop the busyness, planning, running around, accumulating & stressing about things)
Stillness is a necessity in our lives right now, when we need equanimity in these uncertain times, to be calm in the midst of chaos, to have the ability to accept things as it is and as it is not and to not react when things don’t go as planned.
Stillness creates space for clarity, for possibilities, for the truth to show up. You get to know your emotions, the mental clutter that shows up, the uncomfortable physical sensations…
Baron says: "A lot of us choose to stay busy and in a fog because we don’t want to see and feel what’s really there.…. We have become such masters at drowning out the truth - that small quiet voice from within."
That inner voice is our truth and to get to the bottom of our truth, we must stay still enough to listen and then have the courage to follow through and shine bright.
And to get to stillness, we have to practice being still and meditation is the way of life if you want to drop the excessive busyness, planning, running around, accumulating & stressing.
In the book, Voltaire was quoted , who said “the most important decision each day we make is to be in a good mood”
So when you’re are at war with your mind - choosing between getting up to meditate or pressing the snooze button or playing on your phone; ask yourself how can you start day good.
Or why not stop thinking, sit up take a couple of deep conscious breath, set the alarm and sit still until the alarm goes off.
There is a sense of triumph over the voices when I do exactly that.
The point of meditation is to so you know what matters to you
….. what pain you’ve been hiding
…the rocks that you’re holding on to that is keeping your stuck
Be still and have a listening to your thoughts, and give it up and keeping moving in front of it.
Photo by Nikolai Chernichenko on Unsplash
Law 12: Understand the whole is the goal
(You cannot do wrong in one part of your life and expect to do right in others- Gandhi)
Wholeness is created when we embrace and flow with all of life’s ups and downs and make choices that fulfill our truth. Our life is an accumulation of the choices we make. Everyday is an opportunity to make choices that create optimum health and contribute to our lives and those around us. As Gandhi says “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
The word yoga means union. It’s an integration of the 3 practices of Asana, Meditation and Inquiry that will bring whole-istic wellness to our bodies, mind and soul.
Baptiste Yoga give access to one way of healing, that allows us to accept life as it is, moment to moment, without judgement or resentment. And in accepting that, we acknowledge that we never do arrive (healed) so that we continue on our journey of growth.
What’s possible when we practise asana, meditation and inquiry is we begin a dance between self improvement vs self-sabotaging thoughts and there is a sense of inner victory when we let go the disempowering thoughts.
Also “Understand the Whole Is the Goal” speaks not just to us as individuals but also to us as a community. The richness of life happens when we are in union and connected with others.
“In the end, if you dedicate your energies to detaching from struggle, giving up fear, taking right action, and practicing true patience within yourself, you will find all pieces of your life begin to radiate with the luminosity of whole and true health.”
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
share your wins no matter how small
Completion of the 40 Days is just the beginning of a flexible life where you can find triumph in staying open to growing and transforming.
And when we are transformed, we need to share and shine our light out so you can empower others in your life and in our own community.
It is just not enough to shine - we have to go out in the world and share the shine if it is to mean anything.
If you’re here, whether you are in the last fews days of the 40 Days program, or you’ve accidentally arrived on my page -
Take a moment to acknowledge what you have achieved in the last 6 weeks.
And then take another moment to acknowledge the people in your life, who has supported you no matter what.
And every morning for the next 5 days, ask yourself how you can explore the child in you.
Being willing to get messy and reinventing yourself give access to drop the childish behaviour that stop you from being YOU.
What would you do in your life if you could not fail?
What do you tell yourself that is preventing you from doing what you want?
“Man is most himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.”