Meditating is a way of loving our inner self
And we don't do enough of it.
I don't do enough of it.
That’s a fact.
I meditate when I need it
Indeed I do, when I struggle with my writing, or before making a difficult decision or having to have THAT dreaded conversation or when i’m feeling anxious and overwhelmed.
And there’s nothing wrong with that and I know, in my heart, we need this meditation practice more than we can imagine. We need to meditate daily. That’s why it’s called a practice; practice and repetition creates mastery.
“Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.”
I’m going to meditate tomorrow
Yet every night, with the sincerest of intentions to meditate the next morning but something else is always comes up or is more important.
That is why in my “desperation”, I started my own 30 days of meditation challenge. I have to do this my own way, without paying for a yoga retreat and without a teacher. I announced it to my husband, invited my my yoga friends and also committed to documenting on my Igstories.
if I don’t make the commitment and make it accountable, it will not happen
I’m so fortunate to have some of my yoga friennds/students join me on this meditation journey - Andy, Beth and JY and Sarah and I'm inspired by what they are up to in their daily meditation practice.
We are not a meditation gurus, but we believe that what we have right now is enough to start meditating.
Meditation is the key
To life, to Love.
That’s what I discovered in my first 3 days of my 30 days of meditation challenge, or rather what I’ve forgotten….
I’ve forgotten how powerful sitting quietly in the morning can be.
If you want to start meditating and you don’t know how to, the answer to HOW is to be a Yes or follow the 4 steps below.
If you want to meditate, and you don’t have the time - I love this quote by Ajahn Chanh
“If you have time to breathe, you have time to meditate.”
“Our body, our mind and our hearts - they are not separate. Yet We exercise our physical body but how about our mind that has been cluttered with so much thinking, and our hearts that has been suffering silently.”
How to Meditate
In 4 Easy Steps
Find a comfortable seat, preferably in a space where you are least likely to be disturbed
Close your eyes
When your mind starts to wander, bring your attention back to your breath
REPEAT STEP 4 whenever needed.
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