Love more

Love Every B**** Of You

Love Every B**** Of You

I wrote and rewrote this post so many times (which is why I missed sending my newsletter out last week)

When I first wrote it, I was feeling nice and fuzzy, and then boom, time of the month happened. I was feeling frustrated, angry and sad, tired all within a day, which lasted a good 5 days. 

The title of the blog was originally Love Every Bits of You, and it’s during that angsty period that I "cleverly" changed it to “Love Every B**** of you”. Well, at least I thought it was clever.... but then I wasn't not even sure I can write it out loud... it is a bad word, no? Anyways... I ended up with B*****, but you get what i mean... 

I'm so frustrated at my Bits sometimes, and I know I can't change it... and having to practice Equanimity last week for the 40 days got me present to another experience of being calm which is be in acceptance and surrendering and going with the flow. I'm angry. I complain and I still love every bits of me.

It's like… don't you have complaints about your other half or about your mum or your boss, that you wish you could change, but having done the work, you know you can't? You have to accept them the way they are.

It's like that here, with your bits.

We can't change our "bits" either, but we can change how you respond to them. And change happens moment to moment. You notice your b***** hollering at ya, you holla back (be friendly), you accept them, you love them and you forgive them if you don't feel like it.