Photo by Ross Sokolovski on Unsplash
Namaskar is a free quarterly yoga magazine with news from around Asia and worldwide.
I had the opportunity to contribute to their magazine and share Baron Baptiste’s 8 Universal Principles for Stepping up to the Edge from his book Journey into Power. There are 8 principles, that means that’s 8 features for the next 2 years. (It’s a quarterly magazine!)
The article has been adapted for print.
The magazine is distributed in some studios in Asia. But you can follow Namaskar on and read the latest and other issues online.
I’d like to acknowledge Trish Corley, my yoga soul sister, for giving me the Editor’s contact details and who - all the way from Oklahoma - spotted my first article. She jumped for joy before I could!! I love you, Trish!!
I’d like to also acknowledge Beth Bayley for being my writing buddy and cheerleader. Thank you! Love you!
Intro to the 3rd Principle - Growth is the Most Important thing there is
Can be found on page 34 of Namaskar Feb 2020 Issue
Read the original post on HERE
Intro to the 4th Principle - Exceed Yourself to Find your Exceeding self
Can be found on page 27-28 of Namaskar May 2020 Issue
Read the original post on HERE
Pic Credit to Namaskar Asia Feb 2020 Issue