Photo by Rebecca Peterson-Hall on Unsplash
15 October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness and Remembrance Day.
I cannot put into words what it felt like, on our first FET, after waiting 2 weeks to do the blood test, and waiting for the call - and the nurse telling us that I was pregnant BUT........ I had to come in 2 days later to do another blood test. And then receiving the bad news that my HCG level was dropping and therefore I wasn't really pregnant.
Or getting the news that I had a positive BFP on the 4th FET - there was the impulsive purchase of baby books, and finding out 1 week later, that my gestational sac was empty.
That was in 2019. I should be over it but I acknowledge that I will never be over it; I will always be healing. And that's okay, not to have fully healed because it means I will never forget, and I don't want to forget.
Grieving is important and remembering. I remember exactly where I was when I broke down - I was stuck at home because of COVID restrictions, doing yin yoga and whilst in a half pigeon pose, my teacher, Paige Elenson, asked us to think of an event or a person that we have not grieved for, or started but stopped.
Up to that point, I didn’t realised that I have not grieved yet.
And now I grieve every time I hear others getting pregnant on their 1st IVF cycle, or getting pregnant naturally, every time someone tells me that if I had done "ABC", I would have gotten pregnant AND every year at this time.
I’m grateful for the existence of today; because it gives me the opportunity to grieve and to remember.
People around the world will be lighting a candle at 7pm local time for one hour to honour all angel babies gone too soon. I will also light a candle tonight to join the wave of light, and my light is dedicated to my 9 embabies who barely lived a life here on this earth, but you were in my womb for that briefest of moments and so you lived, and you were mine. I felt you, I love you and you will always be in my heart.
And to all those who have experienced loss, I just want to tell that you are so very brave. Every morning when you wake up and you take that first breath in, and then another - aren’t we so blessed to be alive, to be able to feel grief, relief, sadness, happiness; to have loved, to love and to be loved.
Remember that the light may get blown off and that there is still inner light that shines from within.
Ps and if you want to be inspired , head to instagram and search #waveoflight #toobeautifulforearth
because #inordertohealyoumustfeel And #youarenotalone
Resources: Baby Loss Awareness Org