Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash
It can be quite depressing coming towards the end of year. But November is turning out to be a beautiful month, plenty of reminders to find the good within ourselves. Last week, it was World Kindness Day, and this week is Thanksgiving.
I wasn't planning to write a new blog today as I wanted to focus on my business and I'm realising that I'm making myself "busy" for no reason.
I mean, my writing is important because it's my way of being of service and hoping what I write inspire you in your journey towards motherhood and life, but it's taking too much time - time away from being in creation of something bigger than this and doing important inner work.
In my meditation this morning, I remembered this prayer mantra from Dear Gabby - it goes something like - "dear universe, please show me what miracles I can perform today."
That inspired me to leave this note, and whether or not you celebrate Thanksgiving- it's a great day to remind ourselves to be grateful, not only today, but everyday! And why not start today!
I know infertility is harder and it's even harder to find things to be grateful for, when there's nothing to be grateful. I do know what that feels like.
But practising gratitude will help us see the good in others, within us and in life and in doing, so we release dopamine in our brain (which is the chemical that helps us feel happy). And it's what we sorely need in our fertility journey.
It's great if you already have a daily gratitude practice - I can just imagine how wonderful your outlook on life is.
My daily gratitude practice is like my meditation, it starts and stop AND you know what - that is the cycle of life, right? The ebbs and flow. The ups and downs. The good and the bad!
That's why they call this a practice - I am in the practice, not because I want to be good but I am in the practice because I want to get better at forgiving myself and being willing to start again.
Let's start- I'm going to give you a simple prompt, that you can write tonight, in your journal or your phone -
What is one thing good that happened to you today?
Comment below if you are practising gratitude today!
“Celebrating your wins no matter how small, is one way to start find gratitude.”
Here are some inspiration on finding gratitude in your life:
Meta Getman podcast on How to Find Gratitude when there’s nothing to be thankful
How to find Grace in Our Life when the Going Gets Tough
Why You Should Have an Inner Conversation With Gratitude
2021 Xmas Gratitude and Abundance
Lessons learnt in 2021 - gratitude
A love letter to myself - god will not give you more than you can handle
5 Powerful Ways To Create Positivity in your life