How does overcoming your fears, concerns, your limitations, your buts and your what-ifs give you access to step out of your comfort zone and will empower your life?
Photo Credit: Unsplash / Danka Peter
“If you come from a place of anything is possible, anything is possible.”
What is possible if you GIVE UP your ‘buts’ and your fears?
Yet the fears and limitations still exist in our mind space and hold us back from being in action and from living the fullest expression of ourselves.
This very question was asked by Leandra Antonutti, who led a Baptiste Yoga Assisting Course in Yoga Lab, Singapore, end May 2019.
I was quite hesitant in writing this article because I was ashamed; ashamed of the thoughts that came up from that weekend; that never surfaced past my journal pages.
When Your Start Overcoming Your Fears and Limitations Anything Is Possible!
And since ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE especially in sharing my fears and my insecurities, I’m doing this.
Before the weekend of the Assisting course (which was amazing), I was battling the stories in my head and my fears of being forgotten because I wasn’t asked to help out aka be an assistant to the facilitator.
Being an assistant in a Baptiste Yoga program is important to me as I’m passionate about building a Baptiste yoga community here in Singapore and being one of 3 certified Baptiste Yoga Teachers, I want to be a stand for the community.
I did make a request for the assistant’s role however they had asked someone else and I made it mean that I’m not important nor good enough.
The truth was I was concerned about looking good.
The Importance of Overcoming Your Fears and Limitations
Even writing this – I was worried others may think that I’m vain, too full of myself. The “who am I?” question came up.
And I know those who know me will go “Pfft!” and ask what the hell am I talking about.
Hang on a minute. I’m not asking for pity or empathy. Just for you and I, to acknowledge that we can’t run away from our thoughts. We’re only human.
I don’t run! I put on my armor.
One of my armors (I have many) is to hide and pretend everything is ok when it’s not.
I pretended I was ok that I wasn’t assisting the course.
And then you know what happened? Magically, and very last-minute, they asked me to come on board as something came up with the original assistant.
The Kind and Loving Person in me said Yes of course.
“Be a Yes.
Give up what you must.
Come from a place you are ready now.”
However, the child in me was feeling rather grumpy.
What came up for me then was the Baptiste Yoga methodology of Coming from a place of love and support (there’s nothing to fix).
This methodology had helped me in getting over the fear of teaching a yoga class. It never dawned upon me that it’s possible to also come from a place of love and support off the mat.
Why Not?
I have been holding back in my interaction with others. There’s something in the way of me creating this way of being. Like I’m generous to a certain point. I’m kind to a certain extent. I’m loving to a certain extent.
There is a ‘but’.
My 8-year-self showed up – the middle child who had to compete with the elder and younger sis for attention; she had to give in to the younger and take 2nd place to the elder.
The 8 -year-old girl who tells herself “I’m never going to be good enough.”
That feeling of “what about me”, keeps coming up.
Now that I wrote that down – it sounds silly, selfish and childish.
I’m not 8 years old anymore. I’m an amazing human being with lots of heart to give. I want to lead a life from a place of loving-kindness and I want to give back by sharing more loving-kindness out there to the world.
I’m definitely good enough
What’s possible when overcoming your fears and limitations?
It starts with me interacting with every human being as if they are whole and complete, with 100% compassion and zero judgement.
It sounds tough, but I’m ready to try.
Photo Credit: Baptiste Yoga
“Life is better without your fears and limitations”
What about you?
What is possible if you overcome all your fears and limitations?
What is possible if you give up your ‘buts’ and your ‘what-ifs’?
I invite to journal your thoughts with what’s coming up for you, right here right now. Know that there is nothing to fix or figure out. Just be in a space of discovery and new possibilities.