Jiwa Yoga Bali - Yoga Studio Review

Sophie © Heather Bonker-44.jpg


I'm a lucky girl. I get to go Bali almost every year.

But I've not step foot in a yoga studio ever. 

I’ve done a week long yoga retreat with Power Living in 2013, and the detox program in Ubud, where a morning yoga practice is part of our program. 

But when I'm there, there’s so many OTHER things to do - Sun, Shop, Spa. Who has time for Yoga right?

Since this year was a longer stay (2 weeks family holiday), I had all intentions to tick BALI YOGA off my list. I googled and shortlisted a couple of studios.  Jiwa Yoga Bali was my choice, as it was unbelievably close - 8 mins walk from our villa. 

Yet it did take 11 days into our holiday, for me to actually get THERE! :P

What held me back

I was procrastinating because it is a Bikram studio and those who know me knows I’m not a big fan of this style of Yoga. (or maybe I'm just plain lazy.)

I contemplated my other options, which was Seminyak Yoga Shala or even Desa Seni, both of which was around 30 mins walk or an 11 mins car drive. Not considered far but it is far. 

So Jiwa Yoga it is, and thankfully they have some non-Bikram classes.

The D-Day

You know you are on holidays when you confuse which day is which. 

I decided to do the "Sumit" class -  which they described as a flowing style of yoga to music, which is more me. So I set my alarm to get to the studio for the 915am class.

So I came on - what I thought was- a Wednesday, but it was a Tuesday and 915am Tuesday was Hot Pilates, not Sumit!


Thankfully next class at 1030am is Sumit Flow. Since I was already there, I made the decision to do 2 classes to make up for my non-existent exercise for the past 11 days.

I'm on holiday. I got no plans. I'll stay.


Alisa from Russia led the class. 

I think she is a secret HIIT russian mafia. She has a sweet soft voice but oh boy, the exercises were deceivingly simple NOT when you have to repeat 8 sets of the same exercise and each set lasting for 30-60s. It's the "Oh no, not again! When is it going to end?" Major mind over matter battle.

Plus it's HOT! Thank god for the music which helped to take my mind off the heat. 

She didn't give much rest, which is the way I teach as well. I like to empower my students to choose when they want to rest because I've been in classes when the teacher kept asking me to rest where I don't need to.

So rest I did, and I modified a couple of times too. 

I love Alisa's enthusiasm and her excitement in her voice when she teaches.

The only thing that didn’t work for me was at the beginning of the class when she was integrating breath to body - I couldn’t hear her over the music. It doesn’t help that her Russian accent took a while to get used to.

If there’s something she can drop, I’d suggest music in the beginning, or lowering the volume at the start, or even drop the pacing, so her beautiful voice can project better.


What I discovered too late was that the 1030 class was a 75 mins class. Eeekk…. 

I. Nearly. Died. 

Spent half my time wiping my face, because I couldn’t see with the sweat dripping down my eyes. and I stopped a couple of times to catch my breath. 

Ali led us and he is the senior instructor in Jiwa. 

His cues were really clear, which I loved; only thing that didn't work for me was that he was teaching from the back of the class. (My pet peeve) .

It would be a better experience if I could see him (or he stands where the students can see him) and...

I could do with a bit more flow but as I found out from him - Sumit Yoga is their own fixed sequence. It had more bikram elements (bleargh) than vinyasa, but beggars can't be choosers. So I went for my 2nd Sumit class the next day.


If you love bikram, THIS is your studio.

The Hot Pilates and Sumits were a good alternative to the non-bikrammers. The onset muscle soreness lasted 3 days, owwww……. (or maybe I need to exercise more lol)

The practitioners are mostly in shorts and bra tops as it does get really hot. But you can wear your usual yoga attire. You don't have to bring mats or towels as you can rent them. I do suggest bringing your own big towel.

Your footwear is to be left outside or you can bring them into your locker. Studio is on the 2nd floor and is mirrored. Studio etiquette is to place your mat down, and put your towel over the top. 

My favourite experience was the freezing cold face towel that they hand out before savasana. Heavenly after that super hot class!

Don’t expect a proper savasana though, although you can stay longer to rest. It’s a cepat (quick) and go kinda of vibe in the morning, but which is perfect, so the students can leave right away to do their own thing.

What I loved as well is that both teachers spoke to every student before and after class; which is a great practice and which is what made this studio stand out for me. 

My only gripe was I wished that the front desk explained the packages to me, rather than me having to ask the questions.

Important Information


It’s located on the quieter North end of Seminyak, in Petitenget. In Bali, the higher up the north you go, less crowded it is. Yet it's not that far from the famous "Eat Street" and shopping area of Seminyak Village.

The nearest beaches are Batu Belig / Petitinget (Seminyak) Beach.

Nearest hotels are The W Hotel, Sheraton 4 Points and Katamama. The Villa that we had was called Nico Nico Mansion on Jalan Telaga Waja.

Closest Beach clubs are Potato Head and Mrs Sippy. 


If you are travelling from Seminyak Village, keep a look out on your left. Your landmarks on the same side will The W hotel entrance (8 mins walk from hotel itself) , Taman Ayu Cottage (closed) at the corner, and Merah Putih Restaurant. 

If you come from the opposite direction - Sarong Restaurant is your landmark on your left. Studio is diagonally across the road.


First class starts at 8am; last class on weekdays at 5pm and they open on Sunday. Updated schedule is posted weekly on their Facebook page

How to book

Call +62.85 100 413 689 to book your class. But I arrived 15 mins before class started and registered on the spot. Super easy.


  • Single Class (90mins) rp180,000
  • Single Class (60mins) rp150,000
  • Give it a Go (3 for the price of 2) rp360,000
  • Bali Visitors SPECIAL 7 Day pass rp800,000

**Any second class on the same day is FREE

What is provided

  • Rental of mat rp10,000 towel rp20,000
  • Locker with key
  • Showers and Bathroom
  • Bottled Filtered water (free) - bottle to be returned.
  • Freezing cold face towel after during savasana

For the hungry practitioners

If you need a quick bite, Gourmet Cafe sells raw balls and coffee, and there is a Circle K across road. If you have a bit of time, get your ass to Baby Revolver Expresso, for one of the best coffees I've had, which is 2 mins up the road.

Contact Information

Address: 78 Jalan Petitenget, Kerobokan Kelod, Bali, Indonesia

Website: https://jiwabali.com/

Phone: +62.85 100 413 689