Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash
The holidays are supposed to be relaxing and fun, but they can also be very stressful because we put too much pressure on ourselves from social media which can makes us do unhealthy comparisons, or from peer and/or family pressure, travel, a feeling of lack may come up; and
If you are struggling with infertility this holiday - I see you!!
It might yet be another holiday without a baby in your arms and having to face well-meaning friends/families.
I'm sorry.
I want you to know that I understand what it feels like to be around families with kids or hanging with friends who are pregnant. I know you are happy for them and at the same time I know you feel hurt and sad inside.
There are people who won't understand what you are going through and there are people who have walked this path.
I'm one of them.
This holiday remember that you are loved. And you are safe. And all is well.
If you are struggling with infertility this holiday - be gentle with yourself. Give yourself permission for self care. Set boundaries. You can say no.
And for those challenging moments when you feel overwhelmed - slow down and reconnect with your breath. When you do this, you can release stuck feelings and shift your energy for a better vibration in that moment.
Your breath is the most powerful tool that is available 24/7 and there whenever you need it. It's non-judgemental and all-knowing. So make use of it, because you do have the power to step away and take a few breaths.
Trust me, it works because I use it to release my anxiety or in moments when I feel Im over-controlling, and it works every time.
If you are struggling with infertility this holiday - be patient and know you can choose to bring in a lot of peace, a lot of joy and a lot of breath in your space.
When you are feeling overwhelmed, breathe
One beautiful breath practice that I come back to over and over again is the Box Breath. It’s a sama vritti pranayama which includes a breath retention. It’s super easy. You Inhale 4 counts; Pause 4 counts; Exhale 4 counts; Pause, 4 counts; and so on.
if 4 counts is a struggle, you can reduce to 3 counts, making sure the breath is gentle, slow and evenly paced. You do what what you need to make your breath easeful.
(1) Wanna Journal?
What things/factors/activities/events/people stress you out this holiday season?
Describe what it is like to use your breath to calm yourself down or shift your energy. Note any shifts that have occured, any moments of peace, or any positive feelings that came through.
(2) Wanna learn how to breathe?
I teach a different breath technique every month in my Yoga for Self Care on Tuesday evenings. For 4 weeks you will practice the same breath technique that will help you release anxiety and by the end of 2024, you will have armed with these beautiful practices that you can add to your Fertility Self Care toolkit. And the bonus is that you get move and stretch your body mindfully.
We will start with the Box Breath in Jan 2024. So come and practise and get connected to your breath.
The good news is that the 1st class of 2024 on January, 2nd is FREE for YOU!!
Reset & Restore: Embrace the New Year with Yoga for Self-Care
I missed it this year, so I’m not going to make the same mistake of procrastinating and leaving in my cart, and so I’ve joined, and I’d like to invite you to do this with me.
Gabby holds a 21 Days Manifesting Challenge every January. As you know, my WORDS for 2023 is Abundance & Surrender, and I found the courage to embrace the act of Surrender from simply listening to her podcast on Spotify.
Read about what I think of Manifesting HERE.
Sophie xo