My sister loves her Young Living Essential Oils (EOS), and she always shares posts from other Oilers on the benefits of EOS. She also just started her diffuser bracelet business , which is doing quite well. And I suggested to her, "why not, Kakna - do your own posters?"
Her answer to me was - "no confidence" - and what I hear is "I'm not good enough". And that's a recurring story in my head too, these days.
I'm not good enough to mentor teachers.
I'm not good enough to lead a workshop.
And so my advice to her (and to myself) is that it doesn't matter if it's been done, because she's going to do it different because it's her and her own voice and story. And people are going to radiate to her because she is passionate about her story.
Drop what you know. And keep sharing.
What is possible if you drop your No?
For me, I dropped my no to not being able to write by having a blog. So what if I don't have flowery words; sometimes my grammar is awful, and I do write in Singlish. and so what if it's not all about yoga! It's my blog and I write what I want to write. It's been a long journey, but I try my best and my best is good enough. And I know not everything that I write resonates with everyone, however I do hope it's of help and inspiration to those who do read my rantings.
I could have stopped long way back, but it's my only consistent creative outlet and I'm passionate about being of service and my way of being of service is by sharing my own experiences to the world. And yes I want to do lots of things; videos, tutorials - even if it's been done, I will do it. Soon.
We are all different! And we should embrace the fact that what we share and say will be different. I think that is what scares us the most.
It's exactly what Marianne Williamson is trying to tell us, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."
I re-read my blog post on "Return to Love".
And I'm inspired.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.