Photo Credit: Unsplash / beatriz-perez-moya
“Set your sights on your north star.
The Baptiste Power Yoga Certification has 4 layers/tiers designed to ensure quality and consistency in how the Baptiste Methodology gets expressed out in the world.
Instructor Credential: Baptiste Power Yoga Instructor
Tier 1 Certified Baptiste Yoga Leader
Tier 2 Certified Baptiste Yoga Educator
Tier 3 Certified Baptiste Yoga Influencer
Additional benefits of being on the certification pathway:
Puts you on their Certified Baptiste Power Yoga Teacher Map, under Find a Class, linking you to a page on our website all about you.
Access to their Certified Baptiste Teacher Discussion Forum
Eligibility to apply for Affiliation (studio)
Being a Baptiste Power Yoga Certified Teacher is important to me because I want to be on the pathway to be part of the Teacher Trainer Tribe and lead trainings here in Asia for the Baptiste Institute.
The programs are life-changing and it gives access to more than yogateaching tools – it empowers me to be a better human being and to reach for the impossible and step up to leadership.
And the amazing support from my Baptiste Yoga community is priceless as they keep me grounded to my True North.
Below is a quick guide of the current Baptiste Power Yoga Certification Process.
You can find more detailed information at Baptiste Yoga website, which includes FAQS and the list of Elective hours.
For any further queries, please email
Instructor > Leader >
Educator > Influencer
This is the first step to becoming a certified teacher, and fulfills on the requirements for certification. This gives you a formal credential to teach the Journey into Power sequence.
Baptiste Power Yoga Instructor
[ ] Complete either Level One: Journey Into Power Training or Baptiste Power Yoga Teacher Course
[ ] Pass the online methodology exam with score of 80% or better
[ ] Proof of Insurance
You are not referred to or may not refer to yourself as a Certified Teacher. Class descriptions can be “Power Yoga” or “Power Vinyasa.”
Click here to see their Name Usage Policies for Non-Certified Teachers.
You can declare publicly the designation of Certified Baptiste Power Yoga Leader, Educator, Influencer and that you teach Baptiste Yoga Journey into Power Sequence in your classes, on your schedule, in your marketing and promotions. With the certification, you represent an esteemed body of leaders that share Baptiste Power Yoga in the world.
Click here to see their Name Usage Policies for Certified Teachers.
“Don’t wish for it.
Work for it.
Do the Work.”
Tier 1 Certified Baptiste Power Yoga Leader
[ ] Level One: Journey into Power Training
[ ] Level Two: Sannyasin's Journey Training**
[ ] Baptiste Assisting Course
[ ] 30 additional Elective Program Hours *
[ ] 55 documented hours of classroom teaching
[ ] Proof of Insurance
[ ] CPR Certification
[ ] Pass the Tier 1 Methodology Exam with a score of 80% or better.
* Click HERE to view Baptiste Power Yoga elective hours for certification.
** Must complete Level 1 & 2 within 4 years of each other.
*** You will have accrued 300 hours with Baptiste Power Yoga
**** You are eligible to apply for your RYT-200 hour designation with the Yoga Alliance after completing Level One and Level Two.
Tier 2 Certified Baptiste Power Yoga Educator
[ ] Hold Tier 1 Status
[ ] 250 Elective Program hours*
[ ] 500 documented hours of classroom teaching
[ ] Proof of Insurance
[ ] CPR Certification
[ ] Pass the Tier 2 Methodology Exam with a score of 80% or better.
* Click HERE to view Baptiste Power Yoga elective hours for certification.
**You will have accrued 750 hours with Baptiste Power Yoga
***You are eligible to apply for your RYT-500 hour designation with the Yoga Alliance
Tier 3 Certified Baptiste Power Yoga Influencer
[ ] Hold Tier 2 status
[ ] Accrued a total of 1000 documented hours of teaching, leading workshops and/or facilitating teacher training experiences
[ ] Complete FIT To Lead program
[ ] Have a current CPR certificate.
[ ] Pass the Tier 3 Methodology Exam with a score of 80% or better
* Click HERE to view Baptiste Power Yoga elective hours for certification.
**You will have accrued 1200 hours of CEU’s with Baptiste Power Yoga.
Maintaining your credentials & certification
In order to maintain your current certification:
[ ] You are required to attend 50 hours of Baptiste Institute approved programs in person or online every 3 years.
[ ] You are required to pay annual dues of $200.
Step 1. Submit online application form.
Provide proof of completing required programs (dates and location), no of Teaching hours, upload proof of insurance and CPR certificate and commit to Terms & Conditions of Certification
Step 2. Receive email to pay your yearly dues of $200 online.
Please allow 7-10 business days to receive the STEP 3 details via email.
Step 3. Receive email to Complete and pass (80%) the exam specific to your level. (You have 5 attempts. If you fail on the 5th attempt, you can take the exam again only after 30 days)
Step 4. Receive your Certificate upon passing the exam.
“True power comes from standing in your own truth and walking your own path.