Photo Credit: Miguel Bruna / Unsplash
Happy New Year!
How was your 2018?
Exhausting? Challenging? Exciting? Depressing?
All of the above?
No matter how the year was, it seems each year goes by faster than the last. If we don’t stop for a few hours at the end of each one, and pause to count our blessings, we’re going to miss it. We’re going to miss the time we could take to be thankful, get better, and move on.
Would I like to repeat 2018 again?
Yes and no! LOL
But I wouldn’t change my experiences for the world.
I married my love in Jan.
Found out that we may be moving to the UK at the end of the year.
Trying to start a family at age 41.
I started and ended AMI Power Yoga classes.
Became homeless for 3 months, but travelled to Phuket, San Francisco and UK.
Apprenticed Baptiste Level 1 and Completed Baptiste Level 3.
And more….
When I looked back at what I wrote there - it doesn’t sound that terrible.
What made it terrible was the stories in my head.
You’d think that after all the training, Sophie might be wise enough not to listen to those voices in her head.
Fact is we can never run away from the ournegative core beliefs as it has been ingrained in us since young. My negative core belief is I’m ashamed and I’m bad girl and I’m not good enough. Yada Yada yada
You want to know the solution? Watch this video.
Ahahah……. We were shown this video in Level 3. Totally sums up what I needed to do.
But seriously…………..
what I’ve been present to is as long as I stay in the moment, focusing on what is available to me right now - the past and the future does not exist. And magic happens.
When all else fails, all I can do is to acknowledge the little voice and sit with it. Be in inquiry. And get into the present moment as soon as I can.
My favourite quote from my husband is perfect here - God will not give you more that you can handle
To sum up, my takeaways from 2018 are:
I’m not good with changes
It’s hard for me to make decisions.
I don’t stand up for myself enough.
AND these are the things I can do better in 2019.
I would like to start doing more of these in 2019 -
Showing up big in my community, be it my family or yoga peeps.
Choosing courage over comfort
Being kind and selfless to others
Making essential requests for myself when needed.
Have you started writing down your highlights (and lows) for 2018 and most importantly, your brain dump for 2019?
If you need help, check out my 5 steps on how to get this process going!
And please DREAM BIG for 2019!
My goals manifested because I wrote them down, even if they seem impossible I wrote them down. So get on it!!
“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”
If you are interested (only if you are), scroll below for my 2019 INVENTED LIST.
P.S. I’m not going to call them resolutions or goals no more because a goal is something you attach an expectation to (which comes with a lot of stresses and to-dos) and resolution is usually a decision to do something (and you should know by now that resolutions are so hard to keep).
My invented list are real possibilities which I could commit to doing when I choose to.
Be an amazing wife to my husband
Create a beautiful home
Start a family.
Powerfully lead 2 x 40 days to Personal revolution in Jan 27th and Sept (TBC)
Become a tier 2 - 750 hours certified Baptiste Yoga educator
Create meditation podcasts
Teach a monthly community class
Recreate and commit to a regular schedule (of writing, exercise, yoga, education, creation)
Cultivate a self-care routine of reading, massages and writing
Lead an Unstoppable training in Singapore
Find a service project
Attend a Baptiste-inspired teacher’s class and give feedback
Connect more with my Baptiste community
Teach from heart and look and be present with my students
Have a real conversation with mum
Guest write/blog
Teacher’s gathering?