
When You’re Struggling, You’re Trying Too Hard

When You’re Struggling, You’re Trying Too Hard

I cannot lie; I'm struggling with doing the things that needed to be done. And I'm choosing to be okay with my struggles because it may sound dire; but I'm not going to die from them.

That's the irony.

It's a moment to moment, struggle and not struggle, some days it's a breeze. Some days it's hard.

On the hard days, I'll give up trying hard because she I try too hard, it invites strain and struggle.

I will choose to try easy and just be.

If It's Not Important, You Won’t Have Any Resistance

If It's Not Important, You Won’t Have Any Resistance

Found another gem to add my list of love letters to myself. It’s more like reminder, a reality check in, because it made me aware that what I’m doing now is important. And it speaks to m heart and make it easier for me to do the “hard” stuff and things “I don't feel like doing.”